WSEAS Transactions on Communications

Print ISSN: 1109-2742
E-ISSN: 2224-2864

Volume 17, 2018

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Biconical Patch Antenna with Inscribed Fractal Sierpinsky Gasket for Low Range Wireless Communication Systems

AUTHORS: Genaro Hernandez-Valdez, Mario Reyes-Ayala, Samuel I. Valdes-Cruz, Ivan R. Gonzalez-Rangel, J. R. Miranda-Tello, Edgar A. Andrade-Gonzalez

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ABSTRACT: In this paper, a biconical patch antenna with inscribed third iteration fractal Sierpinsky asket is designed and optimized for operating at unlicensed ISM frequency bands. A circular split ring resonator (CSRR) is used as a defected ground plane structure for improving antenna matching. The initial design step of the proposed antenna is based on the design methodology of multi resonant Sierpinsky fractal patch antennas with inscribed triangular fractal geometry. Building on this, a simulation tool for high frequency electromagnetic structures is employed to optimize antenna performance. The experimental prototype is built and characterized using an antenna pattern measurement equipment and a network analyzer. Experimental results shown that the built antenna presents return losses of -23 dB, coupling bandwidth percentage of 10 %, antenna gain of 6.8 dBi, and VSWR of 1.14 at the 2.4 GHz resonant frequency. The corresponding values at the 5.9 GHz resonant frequency are -33 dB, 9 %, 8.7 dBi, and 1.043, respectively. These results show that the proposed antenna presents suitable characteristics for low range wireless communications such as WiFi (wireless LAN), Bluetooth, and ZigBee technologies.

KEYWORDS: Patch Biconical Antenna, Sierpinsky Gasket, Fractal Geometry, Multiband Antennas.


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WSEAS Transactions on Communications, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2742 / 2224-2864, Volume 17, 2018, Art. #5, pp. 35-42

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